Investologist Financials Pvt. Ltd. | PMS
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As people become richer, it’s natural for them to wish for above-average returns from their savings. Towards this end, some opt for portfolio management services, or PMS, offered by various entities registered with the market regulator.

PMS have equity and debt options. Earlier, they used to offer real estate, unlisted shares and structured products options as well, but now these come under the Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) category and are managed according to the market regulator’s separate regulations on AIF.


1. How does PMS work? 

It is offered by brokerages and mutual funds registered with Sebi. There are two types of PMS: Discretionary and Non Discretionary. In discretionary, the fund manager takes investment decisions on behalf of the investor. In non-discretionary, the fund manager suggests investment ideas, while the decision is taken by the client


2. Is PMS similar to a mutual fund? 

The biggest similarly between PMS (discretionary) and mutual funds is that the manager handles the money on the behalf of the clients. But, the key difference is that investors in MF get units that represent stocks. In a PMS, the investor holds the stock in a demat account owned by him, but the fund manager has the power of attorney to operate it.


3. Is there a minimum investment amount for PMS?

The minimum investment required to open a PMS account is Rs. 50 Lacs.


4. What is the structure of a PMS scheme? How does an investor monitor them?

When you opt for a PMS scheme, a bank account and demat account are separately opened in your name and all investments are made in your name only. Accordingly, any income or dividend coming out of the investment made will also be credited in your bank account and the shares will be held in the demat account in your name.
As per the PMS agreement, the Power of Attorney for operating the bank and demat account will be with the portfolio manager. Most portfolio managers give a user name..